Sometimes all the stars align and everything goes perfectly during a photo session. Mom kills it with the outfit combos, the kids smile on command, and the sun is exactly where I want it to be. It doesn’t always happen, but it happened on Sunday with this beautiful family.

I get TONS of questions from clients asking advice on what they should wear for their sessions. If you want your photos to be Pinterest worthy, I’m going to need some help. First, really think about what season you want to represent, and base your color scheme on that. Plaids for fall, bright colors for spring, reds and golds for Christmas. Neutrals work for every season. BUT, and this is a big BUT, only ONE person in your group can wear something loud, like a plaid shirt. The rest of you need to wear solids, with pops of the loud in the form of a scarf, bow, collared undershirt, etc. This also works with a bold color. Christmas photos for example, everyone in the family should not be wearing red sweaters. Choose one person to rock the red, then have others wear a vest, scarf, or bow with red. Even pants, I love colored pants.
Try not to be too matchy, matchy. This family had father and son wear the same (loud) shirt, BUT dad put a sweater over it. Pops of loud, but not too much. Brilliant. I REALLY love how mom thought things through and made sure no one clashed if paired together, even extended family. Grandma and uncle blended perfectly.

Brother and sister look especially good together, which is super important because kid-only photos are almost as important as full family ones. Mom even had a gray blanket to use. Perfect, perfect, perfect.

If you want to dress your kids in matching outfits because that’s what you like, PLEASE DO. I’ve had families do this in the past and their kids looked adorable. If you have your heart set on loud shirts or red sweaters, go for it! These are just guidelines for those of you who want my advice. Don’t want it? Don’t take it! Do what works for you and your family. Hope this helps everyone prepare for Christmas minis which begin this Saturday!