I’m very in the moment with newborn sessions, which is why I love them because they allow me to be more creative and give client’s a unique experience. On the other side, I stress HARD about newborn sessions until I walk into the home and see what I’m working with. The second I walked into this nursery, all the stars aligned, angels sang, and every worry left me. Just LOOK at it. Sigh. Is it strange that my bedroom walls are the same color? Mommy’s got good taste!

I recently purchased my first L lens. I chose the Macro to help capture those close-up newborn details (and it’s nice to have on hand for weddings, which I am getting into this summer). I love being able to close in on baby’s tiny features because they will never be this small again.

I also love getting everyone all snuggly on the big bed. The art of the everyday happens right here.

But my FAVORITE part of this session, even more than the nursery, was big brother. He LOVES his baby sister and it was SO apparent during my visit.

I want to thank this family for inviting me into their home and being SO wonderful throughout the trials of a newborn session. I was able to do my job well because of their easy-going personalities!