Normally I have a lot to say. But I feel that these images say it better than I ever could.

Not finding out the gender of your baby before it’s born when you already have a child is INTENSE. Not really for the parents, because they just want a healthy baby plain and simple. But for ME, I was like please, please, PLEASE let it be a boy. Because that’s just exciting. And seeing dad’s face when he saw that baby boy for the first time. Waterworks. Also, Joseph Francis just happened to be born on his great-great grandpa Frank’s 96th birthday. SO MANY FEELS.
It was so nice seeing this brand new family of four all together 9 days later. I do feel part of the family after being in the foxhole aka delivery room with parents, and I like to see how everyone settles in at home. As you can see, big sis is handling her new role very well.

Congratulations to this beautiful family! Can’t wait for the next one 😉 Just kidding. Probably.